Blind 75 LeetCode Questions : Top 75 Questions To Crack Coding Interview

Are you looking to crack the coding interview and land your dream job in the tech industry? If so, you must have come across the famous Blind 75list, which is quite popular among the software engineering community. The list features a curated collection of 75 LeetCode questions that are frequently asked in technical interviews at big tech companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft. The Blind 75 list helps you dedicate your preparation time effectively and ace the interview with confidence.

In this tutorial, we will provide an in-depth guide to understanding the Blind 75, help you make the most of the LeetCode platform, and share best practices to enable you to solve the problems efficiently. By the end, you will be familiar with the concepts and have a better grasp of the essential steps necessary for solving the LeetCode Blind 75 using dynamic programming and bst. Programmers can benefit from this tutorial as it provides a comprehensive guide to solving the Blind 75 problems efficiently.

What are the Blind 75 LeetCode Questions?

As mentioned earlier, the Blind 75 list is a compilation of 75 LeetCode questions that software engineers deem essential for mastering interview problems in the tech industry. The list covers some of the most common problem categories, including arrays, strings, linked lists, trees, graphs, and dynamic programming. Each question is hand-picked based on its frequency of occurrence in past interviews and relevance to the targeted roles. The Blind 75 list is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their skills in solving leetcode questions during technical interviews. In addition, understanding the concept of linked list is crucial for solving many of the problems in the Blind 75 LeetCode List.

I’ve organized the Blind 75 LeetCode questions into a 8-week plan with the LeetCode question name, difficulty, and link provided. Each week focuses on specific topics and data structures to allow for a systematic and comprehensive preparation process. This is a curated list that will help you prepare for your coding interviews efficiently.

Week 1:

In the first week of Blind 75, our focus will be on solving beginner-level questions that are relatively easy. This week is crucial because it establishes a strong foundation for the upcoming weeks and helps you gain a thorough understanding of fundamental concepts. Solving these initial problems will enhance your problem-solving skills and prepare you for more challenging tasks in the future.

It is important to remember that the primary objective of Week 1 is not only to solve the provided questions but also to cultivate a problem-solving mindset. Keep a positive outlook and do not feel discouraged if you encounter difficulties along the way. Every question that you answer is an opportunity for growth and will contribute to your development as a developer, thus, preparing you for your interview journey. 

#QuestionsDifficultyEstimated Time
1.Two SumEasy15 mins
2.Valid ParenthesesEasy20 mins
3.Merge Two Sorted ListsEasy20 mins
4.Best Time to Buy and Sell StockEasy20 mins
5.Valid PalindromeEasy15 mins
6.Invert Binary TreeEasy15 mins
7.Valid AnagramEasy15 mins
8.Binary SearchEasy15 mins
9.Flood FillEasy20 mins
10.Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search TreeEasy20 mins
11.Balanced Binary TreeEasy15 mins
12.Linked List CycleEasy20 mins
13.Implement Queue using StacksEasy20 mins

Week 2: 

In week 2, we will be transitioning from easy to medium-level challenges. The goal here is to gradually increase the difficulty level of the challenges so that you can gradually build your skills and confidence.
We will start by revisiting some of the easy challenges from week 1 with slight modifications to make them slightly more difficult. For example, if one of the challenges in week 1 involved printing out the first 10 even numbers, in week 2 we might modify it to print out the first 20 even numbers.

Once you have gotten comfortable with these slightly more difficult challenges, we will start introducing new challenges that are at a medium level of difficulty. These challenges will be more complex and require a bit more problem-solving skills, but they will still be achievable with the skills you have learned so far.
As always, we will provide plenty of guidance and support to help you through these challenges. Remember, the key to success is to keep practicing and never give up!

#QuestionDifficultyEstimated Time
1.First Bad VersionEasy20 mins
2.Ransom NoteEasy15 mins
3.Climbing StairsEasy20 mins
4.Longest PalindromeEasy20 mins
5.Reverse Linked ListEasy20 mins
6.Majority ElementEasy20 mins
7.Add BinaryEasy15 mins
8.Diameter of Binary TreeEasy30 mins
9.Middle of the Linked ListEasy20 mins
10.Maximum Depth of Binary TreeEasy15 mins
11.Contains DuplicateEasy15 mins
12.Maximum SubarrayMedium20 mins

Week 3: 

Welcome back! It’s great to have you here as we continue our Blind 75 journey. Congratulations on reaching Week 3! This week, we’ll be diving into medium-level questions. Remember, even if you encounter some roadblocks along the way, don’t lose hope. Take a moment to seek out solutions and strive to understand the underlying concepts. With that said, let’s get started on this week’s challenges.

#QuestionDifficultyEstimated Time
1Insert IntervalMedium25 mins
201 MatrixMedium30 mins
3K Closest Points to OriginMedium30 mins
4Longest Substring Without Repeating CharactersMedium30 mins
53SumMedium30 mins
6Binary Tree Level Order TraversalMedium20 mins
7Clone GraphMedium25 mins
8Evaluate Reverse Polish NotationMedium30 mins

Week 4: 

In the week 4, the questions are more challenging and require more advanced knowledge from the previous weeks. These types of questions often come up in interviews, so it is important to be prepared. Additionally, this week provides an opportunity to practice using more complex data structures, including but not limited to heaps and tries, which may not be as commonly used but are still relevant for interviews. 

#QuestionsDifficultyEstimated Time
1.Course ScheduleMedium30 mins
2.Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)Medium35 mins
3.Coin ChangeMedium25 mins
4.Product of Array Except SelfMedium30 mins
5.Min StackMedium20 mins
6.Validate Binary Search TreeMedium20 mins
7.Number of IslandsMedium25 mins
8.Rotting OrangesMedium30 mins

Week 5:

As we reach the midway point of our Blind 75 expedition, we are filled with a sense of confidence from all that we have learned. Now, we must maintain this positive energy and embrace Week 5 with open arms, prepared to face fresh obstacles and tackle further personal development. 

#QuestionsDifficultyEstimated Time
1.Search in Rotated Sorted ArrayMedium30 mins
2.Combination SumMedium30 mins
3.PermutationsMedium30 mins
4.Merge IntervalsMedium30 mins
5.Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary TreeMedium25 mins
6.Time-Based Key-Value StoreMedium35 mins
7.Accounts MergeMedium30 mins
8.Sort ColorsMedium25 mins

Week 6: 

Let’s dive into what this week has in store for you. You’re entering the sixth week of your Blind 75 endeavor, and you’ve already gotten used to the daily pattern of code.  We realize that this routine can be tough, but don’t give up because the benefits you’ll reap are well worth the effort. Let’s explore what’s on the agenda for this week. 

#QuestionsDifficultyEstimated Time
1.Word BreakMedium30 mins
2.Partition Equal Subset SumMedium30 mins
3.String to Integer (atoi)Medium25 mins
4.Spiral MatrixMedium25 mins
5.SubsetsMedium30 mins
6.Binary Tree Right Side ViewMedium20 mins
7.Longest Palindromic SubstringMedium25 mins
8.Unique PathsMedium20 mins
9.Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder TraversalMedium25 mins

Week 7: 

Great job on finishing more than 50 questions in the last six weeks! Your commitment and perseverance are truly commendable. Nevertheless, our adventure is far from over. It’s time to step up and keep pushing forward. So, without any more delay, let’s jump back into the captivating universe of Blind 75! 

#QuestionDifficultyEstimated Time
1.Container With Most WaterMedium35 mins
2.Letter Combinations of a Phone NumberMedium30 mins
3.Word SearchMedium30 mins
4.Find All Anagrams in a StringMedium30 mins
5.Minimum Height TreesMedium30 mins
6.Task SchedulerMedium35 mins
7.LRU CacheMedium30 mins

Week 8: 

Greetings as we enter the last week of the Blind 75 journey! We are thrilled to present you with a series of difficult questions that will test your ability to solve complex problems. Get ready to face a challenging lineup because this week’s set of questions is tailored to push your boundaries and enhance your proficiency in DSA.
In the final week, we have put together a compilation of intricate LeetCode problems that require critical thinking and an in-depth understanding of complex algorithms. These questions are meant to test your grasp of data structures, algorithms, and their practical applications. Although the questions may appear overwhelming at first, each one you conquer is an opportunity for advancement and education. 

#QuestionsDifficultyEstimated Time
1.Kth Smallest Element in a BSTMedium25 mins
2.Minimum Window SubstringHard30 mins
3.Serialize and Deserialize Binary TreeHard40 mins
4.Trapping Rain WaterHard35 mins
5.Find Median from Data StreamHard30 mins
6.Word LadderHard45 mins
7.Basic CalculatorHard40 mins
8.Maximum Profit in Job SchedulingHard45 mins
9.Merge k Sorted ListsHard30 mins
10.Largest Rectangle in HistogramHard35 mins

How to Prepare for Blind 75

Preparing for Blind 75 LeetCode questions can be challenging, especially if you aren’t comfortable with leetcode questions or practicing coding interview questions. However, there are ways to make it easier. For example, instead of directly attempting Blind 75 LeetCode questions, start by practicing individual questions from different companies on various topics such as matrices or linked lists. Additionally, building a strong foundation in data structures and algorithms is crucial when preparing for Blind 75. Online resources like LeetCode premium or even public review platforms like Quora can provide tips on the best way to grind and mash techniques together. Don’t forget that persistence and consistent practicing are essential in the coding interview scene.

How to Get Started with the Blind 75 List

Here are some simple steps to help you start practicing the Blind 75 LeetCode questions:

  1. Sign up on if you haven’t already. A basic account is entirely free and allows you to access most of the platform features.
  2. Head over to the above Blind 75 LeetCode Questions curated list.
  3. Skim through the list of questions and familiarize yourself with the problem categories.
  4. Select a question to start with, based on your preference or familiarity.
  5. Read the problem statement carefully, paying attention to constraints, edge cases, and specific requirements.
  6. Attempt to solve the problem using the integrated code editor using your preferred programming language.
  7. Test your code against the provided test cases and any new test cases you come up with.
  8. Once you’re confident in your solution, submit your code and review its performance.
  9. Check the discussion forums to understand other people’s solutions, optimizations, and ideas.
  10. Repeat the process for other questions from the list.

Tips and Best Practices for Tackling the Blind 75 LeetCode Questions

Here are some helpful tips to make your Blind 75 LeetCode experience more efficient and enjoyable:

  1. Regular practice: Consistency is key when preparing for coding interviews. Set aside dedicated time to work on the questions daily, and try to maintain a steady pace.
  2. Categorize the questions: Group questions based on their themes or problem types. Understanding the core concepts behind each category helps tackle similar questions more easily.
  3. Analyze your mistakes: Every time you make a mistake, spend time analyzing what went wrong and how you can improve. This approach ensures long-term retention and prevents repetitive mistakes.
  4. Track your progress: Maintain a log of completed questions, noting down the lessons learned along the way. Tracking your progress helps you stay motivated and recognize patterns in your learning.
  5. Timed practice: Simulate the real interview environment by solving problems under timed conditions. This approach not only increases your speed but also helps you manage stress and think more clearly under pressure.
  6. Discuss and learn: Contribute to the discussion forums or join study groups to share insights, ask questions, and receive feedback from peers. Collaborative learning helps you gain new perspectives and improves problem-solving skills.
  7. Master the fundamentals: One of the essential success factors for cracking coding interviews lies in having a strong understanding of data structures, algorithms, and programming concepts. Invest time in acquiring these skills and practicing them regularly.
[sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”What are Blind 75 LeetCode questions?” answer-0=”Blind 75 LeetCode questions refer to a curated list of 75 frequently asked programming questions that are commonly seen in technical interviews conducted by top tech companies. These questions cover a wide range of topics and are considered essential for interview preparation.” image-0=”” count=”1″ html=”true” css_class=””][sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Why are Blind 75 LeetCode questions important for interview preparation?” answer-0=”Blind 75 LeetCode questions are important for interview preparation because they are specifically selected to reflect the types of problems and concepts commonly encountered in technical interviews. By practicing these questions, candidates can familiarize themselves with the problem-solving techniques and algorithms commonly used in interviews, increasing their chances of success.” image-0=”” count=”1″ html=”true” css_class=””][sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Where can I find the Blind 75 LeetCode questions?” answer-0=”The Blind 75 LeetCode questions can be found on various online platforms and coding websites. Some popular platforms where you can access these questions include LeetCode, Blind forums, and other interview preparation resources. Many websites provide solutions and explanations for each question to aid in your understanding and learning.” image-0=”” count=”1″ html=”true” css_class=””][sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”How should I approach solving Blind 75 LeetCode questions?” answer-0=”When solving Blind 75 LeetCode questions, it is recommended to start with a strong foundation in programming fundamentals and data structures. It is crucial to understand the problem statement and requirements thoroughly before attempting to write code. Break down the problem into smaller sub-problems, and try to devise an efficient algorithm to solve each sub-problem. Practice solving the questions on your own and then compare your solution with others to learn alternative approaches and optimize your code.” image-0=”” count=”1″ html=”true” css_class=””][sc_fs_multi_faq headline-0=”h2″ question-0=”Are Blind 75 LeetCode questions sufficient for interview preparation?” answer-0=”While Blind 75 LeetCode questions are a valuable resource for interview preparation, it is important to note that they should not be the sole focus of your preparation. These questions provide a good starting point and cover a wide range of topics, but it is advisable to explore additional resources, such as books, online tutorials, and mock interviews, to further enhance your understanding and problem-solving skills. Additionally, practicing real-world coding projects and participating in coding competitions can also contribute to your overall preparation.” image-0=”” count=”1″ html=”true” css_class=””]


The Blind 75 LeetCode questions are a fantastic resource to help you efficiently prepare for software engineering interviews at top tech companies. By following the steps, tips, and best practices outlined in this tutorial, you will be on your way to conquering the coding interview with confidence and securing a bright future in the tech industry. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep honing your skills and leave no stone unturned in your quest for success!

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